Rt Oulton Park - International

04 Nov 24 20:27 CET
Back to Results
# Name Car Best Practice Lap Average Lap Laps Handicaps
1 Porsche 911 GT3 Cup 992 01:36.680
Tyre: S
01:36.983 9 laps / 2 cuts
2 Porsche 911 GT3 Cup 992 01:37.079
Tyre: S
01:37.434 16 laps / 25 cuts
Ballast: 55 kg
3 Porsche 911 GT3 Cup 992 01:37.471
Tyre: S
01:38.913 49 laps / 21 cuts
4 Porsche 911 GT3 Cup 992 01:37.686
Tyre: S
01:40.103 20 laps / 1 cuts
5 Porsche 911 GT3 Cup 992 01:37.694
Tyre: S
01:38.847 17 laps / 20 cuts
6 Porsche 911 GT3 Cup 992 01:39.951
Tyre: S
01:40.870 18 laps / 25 cuts
7 Porsche 911 GT3 Cup 992 01:40.854
Tyre: S
01:42.518 12 laps / 5 cuts
# Driver Other Driver Type Impact Speed Relative Position World Position Show on Map
1 Collision with environment 22.2 Km/h X: -0.6 Y: -0.3 Z: -1.9 X: -8.4 Y: -69.8 Z: 543.0
2 Collision with environment 21.9 Km/h X: -0.7 Y: -0.3 Z: 2.3 X: 322.5 Y: -72.8 Z: 731.6
3 Collision with environment 17.8 Km/h X: -0.7 Y: 0.1 Z: 2.3 X: 355.8 Y: -72.7 Z: 704.4
4 Collision with environment 28.8 Km/h X: -0.9 Y: -0.3 Z: 2.0 X: 351.9 Y: -74.1 Z: 684.8
5 Collision with environment 3.1 Km/h X: -0.9 Y: -0.1 Z: 2.0 X: -206.7 Y: -59.7 Z: -423.0
6 Collision with environment 126.6 Km/h X: -0.7 Y: -0.3 Z: 2.3 X: -129.6 Y: -65.3 Z: 382.7
7 Collision with environment 13.9 Km/h X: 0.9 Y: 0.3 Z: -1.5 X: -187.3 Y: -59.3 Z: -581.7
8 Collision with environment 7.5 Km/h X: -0.7 Y: -0.3 Z: 2.3 X: 13.3 Y: -73.1 Z: 611.4
9 Collision with environment 18.4 Km/h X: 0.3 Y: 0.7 Z: -1.9 X: 9.2 Y: -71.1 Z: 569.4
10 Collision with environment 91.2 Km/h X: -0.3 Y: -0.1 Z: 2.4 X: 351.1 Y: -74.0 Z: 680.7
11 Collision with environment 71.8 Km/h X: -0.9 Y: -0.1 Z: 2.0 X: -13.7 Y: -68.9 Z: 534.0
12 Collision with environment 77.1 Km/h X: 0.7 Y: 0.1 Z: 2.3 X: 6.3 Y: -70.9 Z: 558.4
13 Collision with environment 26.3 Km/h X: -0.9 Y: 0.3 Z: 1.7 X: -201.3 Y: -59.2 Z: -335.7
Car Env Rel
rt_oulton_park rt_oulton_park collisions
1st Nick Eichten in Porsche 911 GT3 Cup 992
Best: 01:36.680, Potential: 01:36.512
Lap # Lap Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Cuts Tyre
1 02:48.550 02:00.508 00:23.832 00:24.210 0 S
2 01:37.597 00:49.532 00:23.639 00:24.426 1 S
3 01:37.133 00:49.352 00:23.581 00:24.200 0 S
4 01:37.121 00:49.417 00:23.571 00:24.133 0 S
5 01:36.977
00:49.309 00:23.553 00:24.115 1 S
6 01:36.680
00:23.630 00:24.034 0 S
7 01:36.941 00:49.394 00:23.612 00:23.935 0 S
8 01:37.166 00:49.548 00:23.570
00:24.048 0 S
9 01:36.860 00:49.304 00:23.630 00:23.926
0 S
2nd Mika Unteroberdoerster in Porsche 911 GT3 Cup 992
Best: 01:37.079, Potential: 01:37.079
Lap # Lap Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Cuts Tyre
1 02:55.974 02:07.423 00:23.818 00:24.733 1 S
2 01:37.789 00:49.612 00:23.890 00:24.287 0 S
3 01:37.853 00:49.744 00:23.854 00:24.255 1 S
4 01:37.180
00:49.268 00:23.590 00:24.322 1 S
5 01:37.529 00:49.614 00:23.661 00:24.254 1 S
6 01:37.814 00:49.701 00:23.809 00:24.304 3 S
7 01:37.392
00:49.511 00:23.657 00:24.224 1 S
8 01:38.900 00:50.836 00:23.855 00:24.209 3 S
9 01:37.499 00:49.547 00:23.571 00:24.381 2 S
10 01:37.239
00:49.232 00:23.824 00:24.183 3 S
11 06:39.723 05:50.632 00:24.390 00:24.701 3 S
12 02:03.430 01:14.884 00:23.904 00:24.642 2 S
13 01:38.200 00:49.622 00:24.107 00:24.471 2 S
14 01:37.079
0 S
15 01:37.463 00:49.223 00:23.779 00:24.461 1 S
16 01:37.644 00:49.394 00:23.693 00:24.557 1 S
3rd Thomas Engler in Porsche 911 GT3 Cup 992
Best: 01:37.471, Potential: 01:36.940
Lap # Lap Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Cuts Tyre
1 02:18.659 01:26.891 00:26.645 00:25.123 5 S
2 01:38.336 00:50.335 00:23.891 00:24.110 0 S
3 01:38.337 00:50.061 00:23.656 00:24.620 0 S
4 01:39.008 00:49.531 00:23.836 00:25.641 0 S
5 01:38.094 00:50.079 00:23.741 00:24.274 0 S
6 03:03.599 02:14.455 00:24.214 00:24.930 1 S
7 01:38.822
00:50.457 00:23.777 00:24.588 1 S
8 01:39.687 00:50.051 00:24.156 00:25.480 0 S
9 01:37.928 00:49.612 00:23.837 00:24.479 0 S
10 01:39.048 00:50.529 00:24.016 00:24.503 1 S
11 01:38.334 00:49.958 00:23.788 00:24.588 0 S
12 01:37.649 00:49.788 00:23.575 00:24.286 0 S
13 01:38.552 00:49.791 00:24.025 00:24.736 0 S
14 01:38.462 00:49.993 00:23.908 00:24.561 0 S
15 01:37.963 00:49.700 00:23.706 00:24.557 0 S
16 04:06.646 03:18.312 00:23.903 00:24.431 0 S
17 01:38.124 00:50.064 00:23.786 00:24.274 0 S
18 01:37.983 00:49.900 00:23.747 00:24.336 0 S
19 01:37.640 00:49.729 00:23.737 00:24.174 0 S
20 01:38.921 00:50.141 00:24.049 00:24.731 1 S
21 01:39.151 00:50.232 00:24.102 00:24.817 1 S
22 01:38.322 00:50.000 00:24.003 00:24.319 0 S
23 01:38.460
00:49.968 00:24.165 00:24.327 1 S
24 02:49.146 02:01.198 00:23.693 00:24.255 1 S
25 01:39.027 00:50.562 00:23.913 00:24.552 0 S
26 01:38.181 00:49.868 00:23.644 00:24.669 0 S
27 01:38.090 00:50.013 00:23.571 00:24.506 0 S
28 01:37.598 00:49.431 00:23.741 00:24.426 0 S
29 01:38.035 00:50.025 00:23.894 00:24.116 0 S
30 01:37.759 00:49.411
00:23.819 00:24.529 0 S
31 01:37.471
00:49.505 00:23.661 00:24.305 0 S
32 01:37.638 00:49.838 00:23.446
00:24.354 0 S
33 01:38.297 00:49.851 00:23.471 00:24.975 0 S
34 01:39.092 00:49.529 00:25.115 00:24.448 2 S
35 01:37.855 00:49.439 00:24.129 00:24.287 0 S
36 02:01.317 01:13.310 00:23.599 00:24.408 0 S
37 01:37.578 00:49.455 00:23.634 00:24.489 0 S
38 01:38.428 00:49.486 00:23.922 00:25.020 0 S
39 01:39.338 00:50.621 00:24.337 00:24.380 1 S
40 01:38.057
00:50.169 00:23.571 00:24.317 1 S
41 01:38.323 00:49.989 00:23.606 00:24.728 0 S
42 01:38.002
00:49.541 00:23.729 00:24.732 1 S
43 01:37.570
00:49.559 00:23.779 00:24.232 1 S
44 02:53.093 02:05.002 00:23.674 00:24.417 0 S
45 01:38.490 00:50.362 00:23.652 00:24.476 0 S
46 01:39.247 00:51.110 00:23.990 00:24.147 0 S
47 01:37.493 00:49.654 00:23.756 00:24.083
0 S
48 01:38.575
00:50.087 00:23.986 00:24.502 1 S
49 01:37.885
00:49.623 00:23.669 00:24.593 2 S
4th svickus in Porsche 911 GT3 Cup 992
Best: 01:37.686, Potential: 01:37.506
Lap # Lap Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Cuts Tyre
1 08:17.359 07:28.183 00:24.143 00:25.033 0 S
2 01:40.851 00:51.639 00:24.750 00:24.462 1 S
3 01:38.324 00:50.264 00:23.851 00:24.209 0 S
4 01:37.770 00:49.822 00:23.796 00:24.152
0 S
5 01:38.082 00:50.048 00:23.828 00:24.206 0 S
6 01:37.807 00:49.742
00:23.671 00:24.394 0 S
7 01:38.294 00:50.342 00:23.756 00:24.196 0 S
8 01:38.314 00:50.187 00:23.728 00:24.399 0 S
9 01:38.232 00:50.243 00:23.724 00:24.265 0 S
10 01:38.000 00:50.116 00:23.720 00:24.164 0 S
11 02:04.629 01:15.678 00:23.985 00:24.966 0 S
12 01:38.711 00:50.656 00:23.652 00:24.403 0 S
13 01:38.805 00:50.411 00:23.896 00:24.498 0 S
14 01:38.090 00:50.206 00:23.612
00:24.272 0 S
15 01:37.922 00:49.907 00:23.680 00:24.335 0 S
16 01:38.121 00:50.159 00:23.756 00:24.206 0 S
17 01:37.686
00:49.805 00:23.652 00:24.229 0 S
18 01:43.302 00:50.476 00:24.471 00:28.355 0 S
19 04:10.327 03:21.831 00:23.958 00:24.538 0 S
20 01:39.676 00:51.225 00:23.750 00:24.701 0 S
5th Werner_S in Porsche 911 GT3 Cup 992
Best: 01:37.694, Potential: 01:37.662
Lap # Lap Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Cuts Tyre
1 02:27.543 01:29.551 00:26.676 00:31.316 1 S
2 01:56.347 01:06.717 00:24.732 00:24.898 2 S
3 01:38.888 00:50.550 00:23.800 00:24.538 0 S
4 02:07.087 01:06.477 00:23.966 00:36.644 3 S
5 01:39.910 00:50.680 00:24.714 00:24.516 0 S
6 01:39.248 00:50.554 00:24.124 00:24.570 2 S
7 01:38.521 00:49.925 00:24.084 00:24.512 0 S
8 01:40.194 00:50.617 00:24.007 00:25.570 0 S
9 01:38.936 00:50.436 00:23.859 00:24.641 0 S
10 01:37.788 00:49.782 00:23.571
00:24.435 0 S
11 05:12.965 04:24.923 00:23.720 00:24.322 3 S
12 01:38.359
00:49.953 00:23.823 00:24.583 2 S
13 01:39.672 00:49.812 00:25.397 00:24.463 1 S
14 01:37.694
00:23.603 00:24.394
0 S
15 01:37.887
00:49.822 00:23.706 00:24.359 1 S
16 06:41.098 05:33.846 00:23.787 00:43.465 4 S
17 01:38.821
00:50.910 00:23.525 00:24.386 1 S
6th Christian Libicher in Porsche 911 GT3 Cup 992
Best: 01:39.951, Potential: 01:39.499
Lap # Lap Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Cuts Tyre
1 02:53.674 02:00.988 00:27.504 00:25.182 1 S
2 01:50.003 01:00.697 00:24.268 00:25.038 1 S
3 02:47.205 01:57.434 00:24.890 00:24.881 1 S
4 01:42.284 00:51.245 00:25.920 00:25.119 0 S
5 01:40.191
00:50.897 00:24.359 00:24.935 1 S
6 01:40.764
00:51.183 00:24.462 00:25.119 1 S
7 15:30.555 14:40.505 00:24.755 00:25.295 4 S
8 01:41.592 00:51.547 00:25.096 00:24.949 1 S
9 01:40.557 00:50.894
00:24.714 00:24.949 0 S
10 01:40.705 00:50.949 00:24.453 00:25.303 0 S
11 02:34.670 01:46.066 00:23.886 00:24.718 1 S
12 01:52.606 01:00.689 00:25.237 00:26.680 3 S
13 01:40.203
00:51.265 00:24.629 00:24.309 2 S
14 02:34.489 01:43.031 00:27.010 00:24.448 4 S
15 01:40.855 00:51.355 00:24.934 00:24.566 0 S
16 03:07.809 02:12.261 00:24.376 00:31.172 4 S
17 01:57.895 00:53.837 00:35.411 00:28.647 1 S
18 01:39.951
00:51.346 00:24.106
0 S
7th Justus Roerig in Porsche 911 GT3 Cup 992
Best: 01:40.854, Potential: 01:40.668
Lap # Lap Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Cuts Tyre
1 02:07.140 01:16.775 00:25.119 00:25.246 1 S
2 01:40.854
00:52.132 00:23.945
00:24.777 0 S
3 01:41.101 00:52.218 00:24.236 00:24.647 0 S
4 01:41.597
00:52.327 00:24.503 00:24.767 1 S
5 01:45.208 00:52.437 00:24.470 00:28.301 0 S
6 01:47.555 00:58.537 00:24.026 00:24.992 0 S
7 01:40.965 00:52.117
00:24.188 00:24.660 0 S
8 01:43.837 00:53.144 00:24.314 00:26.379 1 S
9 02:01.217 01:11.762 00:24.665 00:24.790 1 S
10 01:47.287 00:57.413 00:24.593 00:25.281 1 S
11 01:40.864 00:52.170 00:24.088 00:24.606
0 S
12 01:41.080 00:52.120 00:24.246 00:24.714 0 S

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